Sage Ravenwood
Deaf Cherokee Writer
“Silence is either the loudest scream or the most profound reckoning.” Sage Ravenwood

Osiyo, I’m Sage Ravenwood.
I reside in upstate NY with two rescue dogs, Bjarki and Yazhi, my one-eyed cat Max, Shua and Vinny. Of course, my home will always be a revolving door for animals in need. I’m an outspoken advocate against animal cruelty, indigenous issues, and domestic violence. In 2019 I took a leap of faith and submitted my first poem ‘Bullet Tithe’ to Glass Poetry – Poets Resist. Since then I have been published in numerous publications, some of which can be viewed on my Publications page, and I’ve been nominated for several BOTN (Best of the Net) and two Pushcarts, and Best New Poets.
My writing is an expose to my life. Whenever I’ve told people I write poetry it’s usually followed by a half-glazed eye roll, until I comment, “Poetry is a rebellious act these days“. If I leave you wary, it means I got your attention. I’m also aware society at large would prefer me docile and quiet. My silence belongs to my deafness. To be silent about things that matter is to sit down at the table with your abusers. I’m a bit loud and rebellious, but so is my writing. Who do I write for? For everyone who has ever said to me, ‘me too’, for awareness, for a truth that rarely gets the attention it deserves. There is no limit to the experiences that bleed a page at any point and time.
My book, ‘Everything That Hurt Us Becomes a Ghost’ is forthcoming from Gallaudet University Press October 2023. Preorders are available from Gallaudet University Press, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. For the time being, keep an eye on my publications page as it continues to grow.
Thanks for visiting, feel free to contact me.
Sage Ravenwood